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407-644-2990 – Central Scheduling
Offices in Winter Park & Lake Mary

Lyme Disease & Co-infections

Lyme Disease & Co-infections 

Lyme disease patients suffer in many ways. Treatment protocols are varied and are based on the patient’s individualized needs.

Treatment of Lyme Disease will include regular follow-ups with our treatment specialist to ensure optimal results.

  • Given the number of clinical variables that must be managed, clinical judgement is crucial to the provision of patient-centered care.
  • Based on the GRADE model, WFH recommends that patient goals and values regarding treatment options be identified and considered during a shared decision-making process.

Benefits of our Lyme Program

Reduced Joint Pain Improved Cognition and Memory Reduced Pain Improve Mental Outlook
Promote Sense of Well-Being Inflammation Reduction Boosting of the Immune System Reduce Symptoms Associated with Bacterial Die-Off
Improve Sleep Patterns Daily Function Improvement Promotes Skin Healing Promotes Health

Our goal is to eradicate the side effects from the bacterial infections and to reduce amounts of bacteria in the body.

We do this by offering individualized treatment plans which may include:

  • Testing Inflammatory Markers Regularly
  • Reducing Bacterial Infection Markers 
  • Treating Lyme Disease Co-Infections
  • Management of Mind, Body & Spirit 
  • Implementation of Daily Treatment Protocols (done both in-office and at home)
  • Reducing Symptoms from Disease Process 
  • Vitamin, Supplement and Nutritional Support
  • IV Therapies
  • Optimized Hormone Health
  • Recommendations for Alternative Treatment Modalities

Call 407-644-2990 to schedule your consultation today!

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